Artist Profile – Young Minds

Young Minds

Name: Jim Hewitt

Hometown: Alston, Mass

Age: 23

Label: unsigned

Album/EP: Imago Demos, Change of Pace

Jim Hewitt is a 23 year-old graduate of Westfield State University who currently works in a cubicle at an energy company and drives a Prius..during the day that is. By night and whenever he has free time he is Young Minds, a Lo-fi Dream Pop one man band from Alston, Massachusetts. Jim’s and Young Minds story is built from the ashes of his former band Ultra Ghost. Jim had recorded an entire album with Ultra Ghost and when the project was finished, he hated it. He then quit the band and created Young Minds.

Young Minds cites some of his influences as Bright Eyes, Get Up kids, Radiohead, and Built to Spill.

Young Mind’s first album “Imago Demos” is a five song serenade off lo-fi mastery. Although recorded in the closet of his bedroom or at time even in his car the vocals on this record are great despite the low production quality. And do not forget he has done all of this on his own. Jim’s ability to layer electro/synth sounds with atmospheric back noise and strained vocals give Young Minds its unique sound and presentation. This is not an album you can simply just listen to one song of and be done, it is an experience and at only five songs, sadly a short one.

Young Minds is a relatively new project but has already accumulated a substantial amount of acclaim-to his surprise. He’s been played on BBC Radio, featured in Fader, and played a show with Twin Tigers.

Young Minds wants to get into an actual studio, and have an album done in the next year.

Expect huge things from Young Minds.

Below there is a link to his Bandcamp page where you can download Imago Demos.

Oh and his Favorite Animal is the Killer Whale, because it’s totally badass and he saw it kill a shark in a documentary once. Best answer yet.

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